All the latest updates from the Centre for BOLD Cities
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30 April 2023
Dear BOLD Cities affiliate,

In this newsletter, you will find an insightful talk about data donation, our podcast on the role of libraries in the smart city, a recently published article on the accessibility of greenspaces and an interview with our researchers about the importance of thesis hubs and much more.
We are in particular excited to invite you to our upcoming event: "Op (weg) naar de echte slimme stad" (in Dutch), which we are organising in collaboration with the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities. As you are used to from us, this will be an afternoon with in-depth discussions on the use of technology, data and algorithms in the urban environment, with various actors from the field and ample opportunities to ask questions and give input. More information below. 

Furthermore, you can get an insight into the research of two of our affiliated researchers as well as upcoming events and opportunities that might be interesting for you.

Do you have a recommendation for an interesting event or relevant publication coming up?
Please feel free to share it with us.

Warm regards from the Centre for BOLD Cities

Op (weg) naar de echte slimme stad | 22 June 2023, 14.00-17.00, The Hague 
There is little debate about the place of technology in the city and public space. Over the last couple of weeks, our researchers have engaged in a series of in-depth discussions with a range of innovative administrators, policymakers and citizens. They, each in their own way, want to draw critical and political attention to urban technology. The outcomes of those discussions will be published in our White Paper "This is the real smart city.", which we will be presenting on 22 June 2023.
During the programme, we want to explore with you, in an interactive and creative way, how we can join forces and use our strengths to make the city of tomorrow really smarter. The full programme will be announced in May, but feel free to pre-register.

The event is in Dutch but as an English-speaker we hope to see you at the drinks!

How can data donation help empower people? 
Every day massive amounts of our personal data are being collected. This information is used by the companies running those services for various goals. But who more can benefit from this data? How can data donation help to empower people to exercise control over their own data? In this BOLD lunch talk, Alejandra Gomez Ortega, PhD Candidate at the Faculty Industrial Design (TU Delft), dove deeper into data donation. Read more.
How is the accessibility to greenspaces in your hometown? 
Are you curious about whether you (or your children, friends, and family) can easily access greenspaces? BOLD Cities' affiliated researchers dr. Achilleas Psyllidis, prof. dr. Alessandro Bozzon and Roos Teuwen (Industrial Design, TU Delft) have published the code and data underlying their research paper "Measuring children's and adolescents' accessibility to green spaces". Generate your own maps of access to urban greenspaces for your hometown!

The first edition of our Smart and SHARED Cities symposium was a success
From public acceptance of drones to finding a market for sustainable roof solutions to developing a framework for knowledge sharing, our students dove deep into the practical intricacies of ‘smart’ cities. Working on concrete, real-life challenges presented by external partners, students were able to apply theoretical knowledge of in a practical setting. Read more. 
Teachers are uniquely positioned to connect research, education and the ‘real world’
In our research for the Centre for BOLD Cities we critically examine whether Urban Digital Twins can actually help citizens to have a stronger voice in the city.” We interviewed dr. Carola van Eijk, dr. Thomas Swerts and Isa Sanchez Cecilia from our Team Science project 'Urban Digital Twins' on their research, their role as teachers and the added benefits of thesis hubs. Read more.

Registration for minors opens beginning of May!
Are you a student or do you know any students that could be interested in our minor "Smart and SHARED Cities"? In the beginning of May you can sign up to our minor


Listen to our newest podcast episode: "The library as the motor of the smart city" (in Dutch)
Libraries have evolved from places where you borrow books to 'living rooms of the city' where people meet and, among other things, can develop their digital skills. And that is also badly needed because the government and society as a whole are digitizing further and further. How does the public library try to promote digital literacy? And what challenges and dilemmas does this entail for libraries?

In our latest episode of our podcast we talk about the changing role of libraries with prof. dr. Frank Huysmans, professor by special appointment for information society at the University of Amsterdam, dr. Annemarie Samuels, associate professor at Leiden University, and Stephanie Kuijper, manager basic skills at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek. 
In the Spotlight
Our researchers are working on all sorts of question relating to digitalisation, data and datafication in the 'smart' city. In our 'In the Spotlight' - series, we introduce them and their research to you. 

Brecht Weerheijm
Brecht Weerheijm is a PhD Candidate at the Institute for Public Administration at Leiden University. In our interview, Brecht shares why he thinks public administration is such a great study, his favourite podcast series and his research with the municipality of The Hague on digital twins
More about Brecht.
Dr. Jorge Pereira Campos
Dr. Jorge Pereira Campos is an Assistant professor at Leiden University. In this interview, he talks about why he is so passionate about data donation, his connection to law and what he likes to read in his free time.
More about Jorge.

Upcoming events
Exploring the normative dilemmas of data donation
9 May, 13.00 - 14.00, Tilburg University and online

BOLD Cities' affiliated researcher dr. Jorge Pereira Camps will join prof. dr. Kristie Ball at Tilburg University to discuss their paper on how citizen-subjects negotiate the normative dilemmas which arise during the process of data donation. To register for this event, please contact

Mini-symposium: Urban Digital Twins
25 May, 12.00 - 14.00, Campus Wijnhaven (Turfmarkt 99, The Hague)

During the symposium, four researchers connected to the Centre for BOLD Cities will present their research on urban digital twins. Brecht Weerheijm (Leiden University) and Carmen Dymanus (Utrecht University) will tell us about the ethical framework for digital twins that they developed in collaboration with the municipality of The Hague. Dr. Carola van Eijk (Leiden University) from our Team Science project on Urban Digital Twins will outline their research trajectory so far and highlight next steps. And last but not least, prof. dr. Roland Ortt will share with us the difficulties municipalities face in adapting digital twins. Please let us know whether you would like to join the meeting live in The Hague or online one week in advance by emailing . Lunch, coffee and tea will be provided!

Submissions for Workshop: Data: Materialities, Infrastructures, Critiques | Cambridge Digital Humanities
The workshop seeks to understand recent transformations in data, changing from something that had to be manually and meticulously created, with clear and traceable source paths, to something that is now automated, hyperlinked, and big. Please find more information on the opportunity via this link.

Job vacancy Senior Researcher | Waag Futurelab
Our partner, Waag Society, is looking for a senior researcher and lab lead for their future internet lab (Dutch-speaking). More info

PhD Summer School: AI and the Transformation of Work | Weizenbaum Institut
This summer school aims to explore upcoming research questions related to the emerging impacts of artificial intelligence at workers. Please find more information on the opportunity via this link.

Get involved!
The Centre for BOLD Cities conveys the socially responsible use of data and digital technologies for, by and with citizens and civil servants in the urban environment. The SHARED mission is carried out through multidisciplinary research, education and valorisation.

If you have an interesting publication or upcoming event related to the themes of our centre, please get in touch with us via

Leiden Delft Erasmus
Universiteit Leiden
TU Delft
Erasmus University Rotterdam