All the latest updates from the Centre for BOLD Cities
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12 July 2023
Dear BOLD Cities affiliate,

In this newsletter you can find updates on recent research, education and engagement. From a datawalk with city council members, a mini-symposium on Urban Digital Twins and a talkshow on making the smart city contestable – a lot has happened the past few weeks. We are especially overjoyed to share that prof. dr. Bregje van Eekelen has joined our Centre as Leiden-Delft-Erasmus professor for the Chair Smart Cities: Design, Technology and Society.  
On June 22nd our White Paper was presented to Abdullah Uysal, vice-chairman of the Dutch Association of Council Members (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Raadsleden). It is a real conversation starter, where seventeen academics and practitioners discuss their vision on the smart city. How can AI play a role in making more just decisions? What role should the city council play in the smart city? How can critical citizens be involved in decisions about smart technology? And in what kind of city do we really want to live? 
Furthermore, you can get an insight into upcoming opportunities that might be interesting for you. Are you a bachelor or master student? Then you have the opportunity to join our team as our new student-assistant as of August 2023 and help us organise and improve our minor 'Smart and SHARED Cities'! 

Do you have a recommendation for an interesting event or relevant publication coming up?
Please feel free to share it with us.

Warm regards from the Centre for BOLD Cities

New Leiden-Delft-Erasmus professor at the Centre for BOLD Cities
We are very happy to announce that prof. dr. Bregje van Eekelen has received a second appointment as Leiden-Delft-Erasmus professor at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. The chair ‘Smart City Design – Design, Culture and Society’ is embedded at the Centre for BOLD Cities and established at the Erasmus School for Social and Behavioural Sciences. The appointment is a recognition of Van Eekelen’s work that is at the intersection of art, design and technology.  Read more.
Inaugural lecture prof. dr. Roland Ortt 

Cities are a fertile source for new initiatives, be it social, cultural, artistic, or economic, because of the diversity of people and activities situated closely together. Prof. dr. Roland Ortt, endowed professor Urban Innovation Management delivered his inaugural lecture 'Technological Innovation in Cities' on the 5th of July at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. The chair is established by Stichting Toekomstbeeld der Techniek and embedded in the Centre for BOLD Cities. Read more. 

Mini-symposium Urban Digital Twins
Urban Digital Twins are 'hot and happening'. Yet, many questions remain unanswered: how do you make sure a digital twin application is used in an ethical way? How can digitally underrepresented communities have a voice in the digital twin? And what is needed to embed digital twin in your municipality? Read more
New essay: 'Imagineering the city'. 

BOLD researcher Sabrina Huizenga and Daria Ivanova have published a new essay in the Special Issue on Living Labs in the Journal of Science Communication 'Imagineering the City: the living lab mystique and its discontents'. They link what they describe as living labs' mystique to urban governance, sharing their concerns that these spaces may lead to a democratic deficit in the city. Read more

Our White Paper is out!
Do we want scan cars to hand out parking fines and signal dumped waste? And what problem will that solve? In our new White Paper, 17 academics and practitioners start the conversation we as a society urgently need to have about the role of data and technology in the city. Read more. 
Making the smart city contestable 
How can we bring contestability into the design and implementation of the smart city? And why is contestability so important to safeguard human rights and democracy? We look back on a successful talkshow on how we can make the city of tomorrow truly smart with wonderful speakers and the presentation of our White Paper. Read more. 
Should the city council facilitate shared mobility companies or fend them off? 
The Centre for BOLD Cities organised a data walk during the 'Raadsacademie' of the Dutch Association for City Council Members. Together with city council members from all over the Netherlands we discussed how the smart city and digitalisation manifest themselves in the physical space of the city. Read more
What kind of data-sharer are you? 

The Centre for BOLD Cities took part in Expeditie NEXT, the national science festival for primary school children, with our research game 'Your Neighbourhood, Your Data'. Children (and parents!) could go on a virtual datawalk through the city of the future. The children showed what they know and how they feel about collecting (personal) data in public spaces. Read more

Graduation project HvA x BOLD Cities concluded
Five students from the Amsterdam University of Applied Science (AUAS/HvA) have presented the results of their research into how MBO-students think about and experience digital developments in their education, work and free time. 
Urban Digital Innovation - Executive Leadership Programme
The Centre for BOLD Cities will facilitate a lecture on citizen engagement in the upcoming programma 'Urban Digital Innovation' for professionals. Applications are now open. Read more.


Get involved!
The Centre for BOLD Cities conveys the socially responsible use of data and digital technologies for, by and with citizens and civil servants in the urban environment. The SHARED mission is carried out through multidisciplinary research, education and valorisation.

If you have an interesting publication or upcoming event related to the themes of our centre, please get in touch with us via

Illustrations by Margriet Osinga. Photos by Tiffany Konings, Merlina Slotboom, Esther Eumann. 
Leiden Delft Erasmus
Universiteit Leiden
TU Delft
Erasmus University Rotterdam