All the latest updates from the Centre for BOLD Cities
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31 January 2024
Dear BOLD Cities affiliate,

We want to wish you a happy new year and all the best for 2024 - let it be full of impactful, engaging and interdisciplinary collaboration, whether that be in research, education or public engagement. 

In this newsletter, we would like to update you on our activities of the last couple of months - from welcoming Anne Fleur van Veenstra as endowed professor to organizing our yearly Smart and SHARED Cities symposium.

Do you have a recommendation for an interesting event or relevant publication coming up? Please feel free to share it with us.

Warm regards from the Centre for BOLD Cities


Anne Fleur van Veenstra new professor by special appointment 
We are very happy to have welcomed Anne Fleur van Veenstra, Scientific Director of TNO Vector, as endowed professor of 'governance of data and algorithms for urban policy'. The endowed chair is situated at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs at Leiden University and is affiliated with our Centre.

Anne Fleur will fill the special chair by connecting the applied, action-oriented research of TNO Vector with the scientific research of Leiden University and the impact ambition of our centre. 
Read more about our endowed professors...

Vivien Butot succesfully defends PhD thesis

On January 11th 2024, BOLD Cities affiliated researcher Vivien Butot succesfully defended his PhD-thesis 'Imaginaries, Experiences and Controversies: Resituating Citizen Engagements in Smart and Safe Cities', at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam.

His thesis covers the subject of citizen engagements with safety in smart cities. Our scientific director professor Liesbet van Zoonen served as his promotor, together with professor Gabriele Jacobs (Erasmus School of Social Behavior) and professor Saskia Bayerl (Sheffield Hallam University). Read more...


Succesful second edition of the Smart and SHARED Cities symposium
On the 24th of January the second edition of our Smart and SHARED Cities symposium took place in The Hague. The symposium is organized every year at the end of the Smart and SHARED Cities minor. During the event, the minor students present the research they carried out in the final module of the minor to their research commissioners. Read more about the symposium here..
Many thanks to the students for their creative presentations, to the research commissioners for their assignments and to prof. dr. Roland Ortt for moderating the symposium. We are already looking forward to next year!


New executive board members
Recently, Prof. dr. Sarah Giest (Leiden University), Prof. dr. Bregje van Eekelen (TU Delft) and dr. Jiska Engelbert (Erasmus University Rotterdam) have joined the executive board of the Centre for BOLD Cities. We are very happy to welcome them to our board and look forward to our future endeavors.
Read more here..
Saleh Roshani joins Centre for BOLD Cities as visiting researcher

We are very excited to welcome a new visiting researcher to our team: dr. Saleh Roshani. Saleh obtained his PhD from the National University of Iran in 2023 and will spend the coming months at the Centre for BOLD Cities researching the urban data revolution, with a focus on sustainability.

Read more about Saleh...


Collaboration with artist collective ARK
In November, a group of BOLD Cities researchers participated in a brainstorm with the Amsterdam-based art collective ARK.  The brainstorm took place on initiative of the organization of Arcadia 2025, a 100-day cultural festival planned to take place in Leeuwarden in 2025. Arcadia brought together the Centre for BOLD Cities and ARK to see if they can collaborate on an artwork or exhibition on the theme of contestable AI, as part of the 100-day festival. Read more...
Datawalk in Dordrecht
Last week, we were invited by the Dutch Asssociation for Local Councilmembers (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Raadsleden) and the Zuid-Holland Academie to do a datawalk as part of a series of educational meetings on digitalization for local councillors.
During datawalks, we discuss how the smart city and digitalization manifest themselves in the physical space of a city, and whether or not the local council should interfere with this. 
In Dordrecht, we, among other things, discussed smart doorbells and shared transport as data collecting hubs. In the coming weeks, more datawalks will follow in Delft and Rotterdam.
Read more..
Leiden-Delft-Erasmus publishes Smart Cities White Paper interviews
In the summer of 2023, we published our white paper, Dit is de échte slimme stad, in which 17 academics and practitioners start the conversation we as a society urgently need to have about the role of data and tech in the city.
Every month, one of the interviews from the white paper is published on both the website of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus collaboration and our own. 

Click here to read the interview published in November, on the role of AI in decision making

Click here to read the interview published in December, on safety technology in the city


In the media
Vivien Butot invited to 'Dr Kelder en Co'

Vivien Butot was invited to talk about his research at the 'Dr Kelder en Co', a weekly radioshow broadcasted from the University of Amsterdam. One of the segments of the show called 'the young dr.' (de jonge dr.) invites recently promoted scholars to discuss their thesis. Vivien talked about his research on the smart city and how a lack of knowledge about the smart city can lead to distrust among Dutch citizens.
Listen to the fragment here (in Dutch)..

Vivien also was interviewed by multiple other media outlets about his PhD-thesis. Read the articles in  Algemeen Dagblad and Erasmus Magazine. 
Margot Kersing guest speaker in Big Brother in de Bijstand- podcast 
For their PhD research, Margot Kersing researches Big Data in the social domain. As part of this research, they focussed on the experiences of unemployed benefit recipients with data-driven working by their local municipalities. 
Margot was invited by Vers Beton, a local  magazine from Rotterdam, to discuss these findings in a three-episode podcast series, called Big Brother in de Bijstand (Big Brother in the Social Welfare System). Listen to the episodes (in Dutch) here.. 

The Centre for BOLD Cities conveys the socially responsible use of data and digital technologies for, by and with citizens and civil servants in the urban environment. The SHARED mission is carried out through multidisciplinary research, education and valorisation.

If you have an interesting publication or upcoming event related to the themes of our centre, please get in touch with us via

Illustrations by Margriet Osinga. Photos by Tiffany Konings, Merlina Slotboom, Esther Eumann, Sarah van der Zeijden
Leiden Delft Erasmus
Universiteit Leiden
TU Delft
Erasmus University Rotterdam