All the latest updates from the Centre for BOLD Cities
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01 May 2024
Dear BOLD Cities affiliate,

In this newsletter, you can read all about our latest datawalks with local council member in different cities in Zuid-Holland. Next to that, we give you an update on our yearly collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences from Amsterdam (HvA).

We are especially excited to invite you to a new edition of our BOLD talk. On Tuesday, May 14, our visiting researcher Suyoung Kim (Seoul National University) together with Sochung Lee (Namseoul University) will present their research in a talk titled: The digital welfare states, lessons from South-Korea. Please find more information and a link for registration down below!

Do you have a recommendation for an interesting event or relevant publication coming up? Please feel free to share it with us.

Warm regards from the Centre for BOLD Cities


Ethical Dilemmas of Using Big Data in Social Welfare Administration

New working paper by visiting researcher Suyoung Kim
The Centre for BOLD Cities working papers provide insights into the different topics that our affiliated researchers in the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus universities are working on. In April, we published an English version of an article by our visiting researcher Suyoung Kim, on the use of big data in South Korean social welfare administration. Read more.. 

Kim will present the results of this research during the upcoming BOLD Lunch Talk: "The digital welfare states, lessons from South Korea". Interested? Find the invitation to the talk down below.

Invitation BOLD Lunch Talk 
"The digital welfare states, lessons from South Korea"

On Tuesday 14 May 2024, from 12:00 – 14:00 dr. Suyoung Kim (Seoul National University) & dr. Sochung Lee (Namseoul University) will discuss their research on the topic of the use of data and digitalisation in South Korean (healthcare) systems. 

When: Tuesday May 14th, 12:00 - 14:00
Where: Erasmus University, Mandeville Building, T19-01
For more information on the speakers and registration, click here



New HvA x BOLD Cities graduation project

For the third year, the Centre for BOLD Cities collaborates with the department of public administration (PA) at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool van Amsterdam - HvA) for a bachelor thesis project. Last February we welcomed HvA-student Pepijn Schoute. Pepijn has been carrying out research about how we can use the concept of the "datawalk" to make digitisation an accessible topic to town and city councilors. 

Registration for the Smart and SHARED Cities minor almost open!
In September a new run of the 'Smart and SHARED Cities' minor will start. The program highlights the smart city theme from various disciplines and consists of a combination of data science, public administration, urban studies, and social sciences. 
Are you a student or do you know any students that could be interested in our minor? Registration opens on May 1st. Read more here..


Interview with endowed professor Anne Fleur van Veenstra

In November 2023, Anne Fleur van Veenstra, scientific director of TNO Vector, was appointed professor by special appointment of 'governance of data and algorithms for urban policy'. The chair is established at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) of Leiden University and is affiliated with our centre. To get to know Anne Fleur better, we asked her a few questions about her academic background, her work at TNO Vector and her ambitions for the coming years.

Read the interview here..
In the Spotlight: Gill Baldwin
Our centre works together with a large community of people. In our 'In the Spotlight'-series, we introduce you to them.
This month: Rotterdam-based artist Gill Baldwin.

Gill is a multi-disciplinary artist working in Rotterdam. Her art covers a broad range of topics, but almost always has something to do with technology and the issues surrounding that topic. Within the Centre for BOLD Cities, Gill is one of the guest lecturers for the Smart and SHARED Cities minor.

Read more..


Datawalking in Delft, Dordrecht and Rotterdam
In the past few months we undertook multiple datawalks with local council members.
During datawalks, we discuss how the smart city and digitisation manifest themselves in the physical space of a city. We do this by walking around the city centre, where we to try to find "datahubs": public spaces where data is being collected. At each "hub" we discuss whether or not the local council members should interfere with these "hubs" and in what ways they can do so.

Click here to read more about the datawalks in Delft and Dordrecht (in Dutch)

Click here to read more about the datawalk in Rotterdam (in Dutch)
Leiden-Delft-Erasmus publishes Smart Cities White Paper interviews
In the summer of 2023, we published our white paper, Dit is de échte slimme stad, in which 17 academics and practitioners start the conversation we as a society urgently need to have about the role of data and tech in the city.
Every month, one of the interviews from the white paper is published on both the website of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus collaboration and our own. Down below, you can find the articles that were published in the last months:

Click here to read the interview on the role of artists in the smart city.

Click here to read the interview on citizen science
Centre for BOLD Cities at Expeditie NEXT in Zutphen
On May 1st, the Centre for BOLD Cities will be part of Expeditie NEXT, an annual science festival for children up to twelve years old. At the festival, we will organize virtual datawalks during which the children can find out what they know and how they feel about collecting (personal) data in public spaces.
This edition will take place in Zutphen and tickets are still available! Visit the Expeditie NEXT website for more information.
The Centre for BOLD Cities conveys the socially responsible use of data and digital technologies for, by and with citizens and civil servants in the urban environment. The SHARED mission is carried out through multidisciplinary research, education and valorisation.

If you have an interesting publication or upcoming event related to the themes of our centre, please get in touch with us via

Illustrations by Margriet Osinga. Photos by Tiffany Konings, Merlina Slotboom, Esther Eumann, Sarah van der Zeijden
Leiden Delft Erasmus
Universiteit Leiden
TU Delft
Erasmus University Rotterdam